Northwest Patient Safety Conference 2022

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We’re excited to collaborate once again with the Washington Patient Safety Coalition and the Oregon Patient Safety Commission to present the 19th Annual Northwest Patient Safety Conference, a virtual event on October 18 and 19, 2022. This year’s theme is “Advancing Patient Safety in Today’s World.”

The Northwest Patient Safety Conference is the only event of its kind in the Western US, uniting healthcare professionals, providers, patients, families, and caregivers from all care settings for networking and engaging with industry thought leaders and others invested in improving the patient experience.

Attendee registration will open in July 2022 here.

Become a Sponsor

All sponsors will be recognized on the Washington Patient Safety Coalition website and marketing materials. In addition to those benefits, there are several packages that offer improved visibility and marketing options. As a sponsor you are helping to defray the cost of the conference to healthcare staff and provide free attendance to families, patients and students. Learn more.

Apply to be a Presenter

Presenter and poster applications are now open – complete either the online application or download and email the Word application. Learn more.


Medical staff at Surrey Memorial Hospital and Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre