
MSA Resources

Working together to strengthen physicians voices of Surrey Memorial Hospital.

Effective Collaboration in Health Care
Orientation & Training
FHA releases itstop 3 priorities for 2023/2024
Register for VersaPay
Medical Staff Bylaws
FE Funding Guidelines
SMH Physician Parking

Surrey Memorial Hospital offers over forty (40) reserved stalls dedicated for physicians with a valid ePermit. Staff and Daily Pay are not permitted to park in these reserved stalls. 


Read the full details on physician parking here.

Emergency Preparedness Information from Doctors of BC

Business Pathways Contingency Planning. Please refer to the "Emergency Preparedness Resources" tab:


Supports and Resources for BC Doctors during the 2024 Wildfire Season


DoBC Emergency Preparedness Resources for Physicians

Looking for Ideas for Engagement?

Search & Discover Strategies, ideas and solutions you can use:

Fraser Health Medical Staff
Engage with the Fraser Health Medical Staff, a resource for physicians, midwives, dentists and nurse practitioners, by clicking here:
2023 Health Authority Engagement Survey Results
Medical Staff Rules
VersaPay Workflow Update

VersaPay Registration Process:

  1. Sign up for a Versapay account (
  • Once the registrant reaches the add bank account stage,  a message will pop up that they must call 1-866-999-8729 to complete the process.
  1. VersaPay customer service will request the registrant's email address that was attached to an existing payment or transaction that has been processed in FEMS.
  • If a claim has been forwarded to Versapay, the customer support agent will be able to see the claim and verify it using the email provided
  • If there has not yet been a claim (either no claim at all, or FEMS has not submitted the claim to Versapay), the customer service agent may ask who the payor is to further verify it is a legitimate customer
  • PLEASE NOTE: This is when the registrant will provide the name of the MSA or Physician Society that they are a member of
  • Once verified, Versapay customer service will turn on the toggle that will allow the registrant to add the bank information. The registrant can then go back into Versapay and add their bank information.

VersaPay Change Bank Account Process:

1. Member calls 1-866-999-8729.


2. VersaPay customer service will request the member's email address that was attached to an existing payment or transaction that has been processed in FEMS.


3. Once verified, VersaPay customer service will turn on the toggle that will allow the registrant to add the bank information. The registrant can then go back into Versapay and add their bank information.


At no time will Versapay ask for personal information (i.e., SIN, bank account, etc.). If you have any further questions, please email [email protected]

FEMS Resources



The Facility Engagement Management System (FEMS) is a web-based information system that provides overall business management support and functions for the Facility Engagement Initiative at both the site and provincial levels. All physician societies with full funding status will use FEMS, at no cost to them, to support their facility engagement work.




For all physicians and allied health professionals: Processes and tracks sessional claims for facility engagement activities, and collects feedback for evaluation purposes. • For physician society executives and staff: Supports the management, tracking and reporting of engagement activities and fund usage, and imports financial transactions into its accounting system.




  • Physicians

  • Allied Health Professionals

  • Physician Society Staff



At the individual physician level, sessional claims can be paid electronically allowing for faster processing times. For ease, claims can also be submitted and viewed through the mobile application of FEMS.

At the facility level, FEMS will reduce the physician society’s administrative burden related to the processing of claims, and assist in the management of engagement activities and funds.

For the Ministry of Health and Doctors of BC, FEMS allows for standardized electronic reporting at several levels, and tracking of physician feedback against engagement activities.

Comparative, aggregated analyses for the Facility Engagement Initiative will be possible using the data captured by FEMS.


Medical staff at Surrey Memorial Hospital and Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre