Dr Soth Financial Seminar: Why Money Matters in Medicine

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We are pleased to announce that the first Financial Series Session with Dr. Mark Soth will take place on Monday November 28, 5-7pm via Zoom. This first session, Why Money Matters in Medicine, Dr. Soth discusses what money and wealth are, and how financial health is vital to combat burn-out and reach their full potential. Medical Staff will have the opportunity to discover the value of their time and how to gauge their financial progress. 


Zoom details for session 1 are as follows:


Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85158832139

Meeting ID: 851 5883 2139

One tap mobile:

+16475580588,,85158832139# Canada

+17789072071,,85158832139# Canada


Future sessions in the Financial Series will be announced once confirmed. An overview of the upcoming session themes and objectives are as follows:


Session 1: Why Money Matters in Medicine

Learn more about what money and wealth are, and how financial health is vital to combat burn-out and reach your full potential. Discover the value of your time and how to gauge your financial progress.


Session 2: Buying Happiness 

A happy physician is more effective at work and home. Learn more about how to better invest your time & money for more return on happiness.


Session 3: Multiply Your Time/Money Through Investing Part 1

Learn the basics of why we invest and how we can do that by balancing the risks to maximize our returns.


Session 4: Multiply your Time/Money Through Investing Part 2

Delve deeper into the options of how we can build a tax and time efficient portfolio.


Session 5: Financial Stewardship

We may generate excess capital and have a responsibility to be good stewards of that. Learn the basics of tax planning to maximize how much money you can direct to support your values. Or don’t, and let the government decide for you.


Session 6: Special Moves As You Age Plus Some Q & ?Eh.

Learn about some special moves for common financial issues in early, mid, and late career. Extra time to revisit some Q&A from previous sessions and popular questions.


If you have any questions, please contact Tori at [email protected].

Medical staff at Surrey Memorial Hospital and Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre