Wellness Grand Rounds: Dr Myers: When a Colleague Dies Suddenly

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When a Colleague Dies Suddenly: Growing Through Tragedy with Dr. Michael Myers

In memory of Dr. Peter Zakrzewski

Tragically, this winter we lost a physician colleague and two FH staff members to suicide. While those of us touched by these events are often left reeling, there is also an opportunity to come together, support each other and promote a culture in our health region that supports our people in times of distress. We welcome Dr Michael Myers, an international expert in physician wellness, and suicide, to lead our inaugural session of Fraser Health Wellness Grand Rounds.

Date: Monday, February 27th 2023

Time: 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm

Everyone is welcome

Zoom Details:

Meeting ID: 878 7087 0704

Passcode: 379011

Medical staff at Surrey Memorial Hospital and Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre