Psychological Health & Safety Experience Series

Psychological Health and Safety Learning Events are in support of fostering a positive and supportive workplace environment. These events aim to provide valuable insights and strategies to promote your well-being.

Psychological Health & Safety Experience Series: Table Talk

PHS Table Talks (offered virtually) is a chance to disseminate new resources, highlight successes across the health authority and showcase actionable steps that participants can incorporate into their daily work practices.

February 27: A Day in the Life of Clinical Leaders: How to nurture team trust in complexicated cultures

Psychological Health & Safety Experience Series: Intro to Psychological First Aid (PFA)

This introduction module will explain how you can bring the full PFA session to your team. You will learn the basics in identifying some of the normal psychological reactions to the situations we face in health care, how to identify someone who might need your support and some practical responses to support them. 

February 12: Intro to Psychological First Aid (PFA)

March 19: Intro to Psychological First Aid (PFA)

Psychological Health & Safety Experience Series: Leader Lab

Building off of the momentum of the PHS monthly Table Talks, this session offers a space for leaders to practice psychological health and safety leadership in a room together (ex. having difficult conversations, visible leadership, hosting and facilitating PHS huddles, etc.). 

This in person session is intended for PCC, CNE, etc, Managers and above.

March 20Predictable responses to unpredictable circumstances: Leadership consistency as a foundation for trust

Medical staff at Surrey Memorial Hospital and Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre